The best, most economical, fastest way to get attended to!



Want to manage all your engagements with Gofrugal in one place? Yes! You can do it now.  Starting from product evaluation to purchase, payment to product delivery, managing support for our solutions can be done through the transparent MyGofrugal app. 

 This edition of our Newsletter will help you learn how the 'MyGofrugal' app can be a real game changer for digitizing your complete business needs!



All it takes is ONE TAP with MyGofrugal app

You are connected to Gofrugal with MyGofrugal app 24x7. An effective way to engage with responsive service for a fast and easy experience. From scheduling evaluation, purchasing the product, planning implementation, and accessing support - all it takes is ONE TAP!


Help us help you serve better with a SPOC!


Who is a SPOC? Single Point of Contact (SPOC) will be the connection bridge between Gofrugal and your business. Someone who will help us understand You, Your Schedule, Your Business Goal, Your Master Business Data, and Your Hardware and Software Infrastructure readiness. Help us help you with a smooth and timely implementation training process by updating the right SPOC for communication!



Customers who digitalized their business needs!

Umang Oswal, the owner of Hastimal Manikchand, switched to MyGofrugal app's digital support and says he hardly remembers how phone support used to be! Because he never calls anymore. Hear him out!


What's hot in the market?

Onboard to ONDC by digitizing your store in a Frugal way! 

What comes to you by joining Gofrugal to enter ONDC is plausibly everything! As a result of the integration, you will be part of an incredible omni-channel transformation into all possible platforms with one-time cataloging. Your customers can shop from your store through any channel, pay you through any channel, and you can deliver through any channel.


What's hot with Gofrugal?

Customer meets are great places to experience our solution. Talk to us directly to understand how Gofrugal's digital solutions help you scale up.

Missed out our event? Don't worry 

We are in Coimbatore today and next in Delhi on 21 June 2022

Coming soon across India!


In our next edition, look out for interesting articles and announcements related to your industry.

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