1. What is GOFRUGAL NetTrade?

GOFRUGAL NetTrade is a Business process Automation tool that facilitates electronic trade and data interchange among retail outlets and between retail chain outlet(s) and its head quarters.

2. What does it mean?

The usual day-to-day transactions and communications between a retail chemist shop and a wholesale pharma is normally through telephone line, printed documents, visit of sales person etc. These interactions are for purchase orders, invoice receipt, purchase / expiry returns, credit/debit notes, indent, status notification etc. Using NetTrade all these transactions are made completely electronic - eliminating data entry, paper work and without any errors.

3. How does it work ?

A retailer needs to first register to a supplier using NetTrade. The supplier inturn accepts the registration and assigns a code to the retailer and also sends his Item list. The retailer then maps the items in his database with the supplier items. Once the mapping is done the retailer can then send all the transactions such as Purchase Order, Invoice Discrepancy, Payment Note, Purchase/Expiry return to the supplier using NetTrade. Similarly the supplier can send the Invoice, Credit Note, DC and other transactions to the retailer which is directly loaded in the retail software. Also transactions like Offer list, Product End Of Life list etc can also sent by the supplier which is received immediately at the retailer end.

4. How is the data entry eliminated?

All the transactions are completely electronic. For ex. purchase order generated from a retailer (through GOFRUGAL RPOS7) is received electronically on the distributor side and loaded automatically in the sales screen of the distributor software (GOFRUGAL DE). Similarly the invoice receipt sent from the distributor to the retailer is automatically loaded in to the Purchase Entry screen on the retail software. By exchanging all the trade and information data electronically the data entry work are eliminated.

5. What are the connectivity options?

The connectivity between a retailer and a distributor can be any one of the following:

1. 3G Data card
2. Broadband Internet

6. I am a retailer. What are the things needed to have myself NetTrade enabled?

2. GOFRUGAL NetTrade

The necessary hardware and the connectivity as detailed in the system requirementspage

7. I am a distributor. What are the things needed to have myself NetTrade enabled?

1. GOFRUGAL Distributor Edition
2. GOFRUGAL NetTrade.

The necessary hardware and the connectivity as detailed in the system requirements page.

8. What will be the cost involved for the data exchange?

If normal telephone line or 3G data card is used for the data exchange , 3G Internet data packages are starting at Rs.90 per month onwards. Internet broadband charges starts at Rs.150 per month onwards.

9. I am a distributor. How do I know that the retailer has access to only his data?

Each retailer who deals with you will have a specific code assigned. The retailer can upload only his data and receive only his data. We have foolproof security measures which will ensure that there is complete data protection

10. I am a retailer. How do I ensure that I place right orders with the right distributor?

Each distributor you deal with will have a specific code assigned. You will be communicating with the distributor after proper authentication and verification. GOFRUGAL NetTrade will not allow you to communicate with a wrong distributor.

11. My product codes are different from that of the distributor? How does NetTrade ensure that the correct items are delivered?

GOFRUGAL NetTrade does a process called "Item Mapping" by which the product codes of retailer and distributor are mapped. The Item mapping will ensure that even though the different product codes are used by Retailer and Distributor there is no scope for confusion .