Apparel Manager – One Stop shop for all your Apparel POS Needs

Apparel Retailing is witnessing a huge make-over with traditional markets making way for new formats like Hypermarkets, Discount/Specialty Stores with shopping experience like never before. Apparel is the second largest category in Indian retail business and is growing every year. To cater to the growing need, GoFrugal has recently launched Apparel Manager a business specific software solution based on the market needs. Thirst to understand the business Needs and Challenges and how this is quenched with obvious benefits reaped is showcased.

The main challenge of Life Style and Fashion Industry is reduced life of design with short windows of opportunity to maximize revenue from new designs. Added to this Apparel purchases have become a highly periodic activity for consumers and the importance of building loyalty and catering to the highly specific taste that consumers look for at the point of purchase is very important for business growth.
Apparel software solutions help connect your business with visibility and tracking to all channels of your business from stores, to online and ware house. Key features include comprehensive business management features, extensive categorization to support size, design, fabric, brand, style etc, best-fit barcode for every item/category, image(s) and image based reports and few critical apparel features. Complete business footprint with BI and Dashboard help analyze the purchase behavior, stock movement tracking, non-moving stock, re-order management with secured features to prevent pilferage and fraud.
Mobile & Web based CRM solutions helps to bring back customers by tracking his behavior and keep them informed on offers, sale, new arrivals etc. to drive repeat business. Mobile apps for stock taking helps to save lots of time with less man power. Taking your business online is made easy with our integrated e-commerce solution. Gofrugal is a pioneer in retail software solutions and textile management software helping you to achieve customer delight by being a cool retailer. We have range of solutions for every retail business from easy-to-use basic models, to top-end solutions for Multiple store chains by connecting businesses to increase productivity.
Increases eyeball and footfall with our unmatched quality, unbeatable reliability, uncompromising value with unfailing service. Our extraordinary solutions helps you to ‘Exceed your vision‘ by taking informed decisions to lower investments and increase profits.

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