How retailers can fight COVID-19

The entire world is talking about one thing and one thing only. A virus, that needs no prelude. The outbreak of Coronavirus has had a global effect on lives. Governments and medical organizations have gone into damage control mode to keep the virus at bay. Despite their heroic efforts, the number of cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) keeps increasing.

“Although the governing bodies around us are doing their very best to get rid of the virus, the fact that we are mere spectators of this situation does not help.”

The world may be clueless when it comes to fighting the virus. However, we know youcan fight its effect on your sales.

Here are five simple ways to do just that.

Let your customers know that you’re OPEN

Now that you have decided to read further, we presume you are going to keep your doors open for your customers, unlike your less agile competitors. As courageous and welcoming as it is, it is equally important that your customers know that you are at their service now, more than ever. Using the instant messaging service, notify your customers about your services, promotions or any vital information which they might be waiting for. Such instant messaging services make the ideal glue to stick to your customers in such trying times.
Our customer’s way of being there for their consumers – One to be followed

Preserve your efforts by taking orders online through an app

Longer these challenging times persist, harder it is going to be for you to manage your labour. Spend your time, money and labour only on the things that will bring good returns, in any form. You might have started receiving orders via phone calls or WhatsApp texts already. With increasing customer demand, it is going to be awfully tedious for you to keep tabs on all these orders if they are coming to you from several channels.

Be smart and preserve your limited staff to something else that needs more attention because the process of order-taking is going to be simplified for you by Gofrugal OrderEasy. Customers ordering products through mobile apps can be the single most effective way of processing sales orders, saving a chunk of your time and labour.

Make consumers order remotely via mobile app

Make consumers order remotely via mobile app

With a sudden slow down in the supply chain, all the big players of the online industry are currently facing a massive shortage in stock and are unable to serve the customers adequately. Capitalise on this, serve your community by taking your business online and build a pillar-strong relationship.

Attract customers with on-time, contact-less deliveries

As you would know, the outbreak of Coronavirus has increased online ordering among people. It is given that the consumers who order products online prefer the same to be delivered to them directly at their door-step at a preferred time. Act on it and start delivering products to your consumers than encouraging walk-ins.

What might challenge you the most in adopting delivery services now is the lack of workforce or sometimes, the lack of skills your workforce possess. With the help of Gofrugal GoDeliver, managing delivery becomes a stroll in the park. Service your customers with on-time deliveries while providing convenience to your delivery boys with the quickest route navigation and tracking facility. Get into the trend of providing contact-less deliveries by accepting digital payments as well.

Practise social distancing with contact-less deliveries

Practise social distancing with contact-less deliveries

Click here to get the consumer ordering app and the delivery management app as a FREE bundle till September 30th, 2020 now!

Stock only what is essential for your customers

Retailers, it is high time you give up your routine and focus on crisis management. As days go by, logistics will be challenging and the supplies will start to drought. This is exactly why we advise you to stop following your supply routine and stock only what is required by the consumers. Study the recent sales trend in your store and place orders to your suppliers accordingly. At the end of the day, having your stores open with lesser but essential products will be the best thing to do.

Stock the necessary, not the luxury

Stock the necessary, not the luxury

Operate from multiple service points to reach more customers

The demand for goods and services is not limited to just one place. Plan effectively to not just serve your community but also to multiple locations. Remember that few stores are closing down just because they cannot cater to the demands of the consumers of that locality now. Not only is it an opportunity for you to see revenue there but, there is also a straight-forward chance to serve those consumers who require your services. An effective way to expand your boundary and operate from multiple service points now is by doing van sales. With a few supermarket retailers doing it already, a handy mobile POS can help you better to take your business with you, wherever you go.

Take your business straight to the consumers

You should go the extra distance, not your customers

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) making everyone feel powerless and uncertain, you retailers can be the real difference makers spreading hope and positivity around,making the worldwide quarantine lighter and comfortable.

Give a Hi5 to these five tips and you will hear the tingling of the cash registers once again!

online ordering and delivery management apps

Utilize our online ordering and delivery management apps as a complimentary bundle till 30th September 2020