How do retail businesses vaccinate themselves and Build immunity by adding store pick-up and scheduling delivery slots

2020 has seen a disruption in technology as businesses around the world digitally transformed and served their customers remotely with contact less ordering, delivery. According to a study(source: IoTNOW), COVID has accelerated the digital transformation in retail/e-commerce by 6.1 years. However, sadly some of them struggled to manage the huge surge of orders online. Waiting periods or non-availability of stock or delivery slots not available resulted in a lot of anxiety to consumers. Added to that migration of workers and availability of delivery staff left the retailers crippled.

Having said that, what if consumers were provided the ability to choose the most convenient delivery option at the time of ordering itself ? Missing a delivery not only results in unhappy customers but the cost of logistics also increases.

Do you know :
                       ‘On-time deliveries is an opportunity to build loyal customers ? ‘
                       ‘Satisfied and loyal customers are willing to pay higher for faster delivery ? ‘
                      ‘Satisified customers also show higher spend, shop frequently and their basket size increases! ‘

Cost of missed deliveries or re-deliveries is the biggest challenge today. 20% of retailer’s productivity is lost in manual accounting and follow-up with delivery boy on the orders and its delivery status. Similarly much of the delivery-boy’s productivity is lost in calls to consumers on address details and guess what consumers anxiety increases as they would need to make of 2-3 calls per order.   

Addressing the last-mile delivery challenge is more crucial than ever before. Working with aggregators is no choice to retailers as it punches a hole directly in their profit-margins. Can retailers manage logistics on their own with lowered cost, increased efficiency for greater profits ? Yes with 3 simple steps

  1. Manage delivery logistics on your own with a delivery management app
  2. The online ordering platform should provide flexibility to let the consumers schedule the delivery slot
  3. Upgrade the omni-channel experience of your store by adding pick-up. Even if the delivery slots are not available, consumers have a flexibility to pick up from store

Benefits of automating ordering and delivery

  1. 30% increase in FADR (first attempt delivery rate) with optimum route navigation and delivery slot
  2. 15% increase in the number of deliveries as you can expand your delivery radius, reach more customers
  3. 50% increase in efficiency and productivity with delivery automation as complex process like manual entries in delivery book, assigning deliveries, follow-up on them, accounting, reporting are all automated.
  4. 100% fool-proof as retailers can get complete control on delivery, cash flow, delivery returns
  5. Deliver delight to consumers as they will receive real-time notifications on the delivery

Benefits of automating ordering and delivery

Based on the survey with our customers, the avg growth in home deliveries have increased by 85% compared to last year, while tier3 cities are yet to catch-up, tier2 cities has seen a clear increase of 125%.

A Supermarket in tier2 city experienced 20% increase in avg # of deliveries per month with highest ever number of deliveries per day. They experienced a consistent increase of 10% of new customers every month. Another supermarket owner in a metro found the technology very simple and easy to learn and use, no special skill or training required. His deliveries doubled and he was able to manage them without adding new employees for delivery. Their productivity increased as the number of calls to follow up on order and delivery reduced by 70%. Not to mention the delivery management app is fool proof and customers have addressed the theft problem with 100% transparency in delivery monitoring and return tracking.  With 2nd wave, our customers are experiencing a 255% increase in avg orders per day with OrderEasy and GoDeliver, its time other businesses ride the wave through!