What is POS Security & How to secure POS software from Cyber attacks?

POS Security | How to Protect POS System from Cyber Attacks?

Did all of us anticipate a global pandemic? Or did we all take preventive measures to safeguard ourselves as soon as the news about the pandemic broke out?  No, we were very casual and did not consider the magnitude of the problem at hand. There are many business owners who are unaware of POS security in the first place. Or a similar situation happens with business owners who are aware of POS security and ransomware attacks but fail to secure their data with preventive measures. There is no better time to talk about POS cyber security than now, the whole October month being dedicated to #cybersecurityawareness.

So, What is POS Cyber Security in Simple Words?

POS security, or point-of-sale security, prevents cybercriminals from accessing electronic payment systems and stealing customers’ data. Not just that! POS cyber security helps you from ransomware attacks that block access to important business transaction data. Cyber security aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks, malicious attacks, and ransomware attacks to protect against the unauthorized exploitation of systems, networks, and technologies. If your business involves extensive use of POS systems, it is important to be aware of POS system security to avoid massive attacks later.

However, do you know the logic behind all of us postponing preventive measures to fight ransomware? The answer is straightforward, ‘It will never happen to us.’ This statement is the faith that everyone has. But what if we tell you even our TN government has faced ransomware attacks? Yes, the Tamil Nadu Public Department faced a severe ransomware attack last month (source: The Hindu). And the suspect has demanded payment of 1,950 USD in cryptocurrency as a ransom for handing over the decryption code.  

Let’s dig deeper into Ransomware attacks and how they impact POS system security. Ransomware is a type of malware (malicious software) used by cybercriminals. This virus blocks access to your system or encrypts your data unless you pay the demanded ransom money.

The number of organizations that paid ransom to retrieve their data (source:Packetlabs) increased from 26% in 2020 to 32% in 2021. And the two sectors that are affected the most are Retail and Distribution. We can go on and on about it, but the numbers only get more frightening. 

Increase of Ransomware attacks on POS systems

Increase of Ransomware attacks on POS systems

Why Should Retailers and Distributors Have Point of Sale Security?

The risk for Retailers not being cautious of POS cyber security with ransomware attacks is more as they deal with large amounts of customers’ private information such as financial data, usernames, and passwords. If a retailer faces a ransomware attack, the consequences will be terrifying as the company will,

  • Incur significant financial losses  
  • Pay more for increased IT help, legal assistance, and consumer credit protection
  • Offer compensation to repairs for affected customers.
  • Lose reputation, which is tremendous damage to companies through loss of consumer confidence
  • Encounter a hindrance to business continuity due to shutting down for fixing the error/manual billing

The Distribution sector itself includes inherent risks. Distribution companies tend to have large employee networks spread across different regions, working remotely — away from offices and the protection of on-site infrastructures. The Distribution industry is also fast becoming a target for ransomware hackers. And the stakes are higher for Distribution companies, too, as any cybercrime in this sector leads to

  • Data theft and the cost to revive it is not that affordable
  • Shipment theft and you end up losing all your goods
  • Damaged reputation and destroyed trust
  • Supply chain disruption and you end up losing productivity.

Now that we have sufficiently discussed how critical POS cybersecurity is to you, it is time to reveal that there are good preventive measures to keep your data safe. Yes, we are not going to let you go frightened. When we point out the mistakes, we ensure to offer you solutions as well.

Protection Against Ransomware – How to Protect POS System & Data from Cyber Attacks?

Don’t peep into unsafe links: No matter how tempting an unknown link, message, or website may look, maintain social distance. If you click on malicious links, there might be a high chance of the computer being infected.

Don’t download that email attachment: Ransomware find a way into your device through email attachments. Never open attachments that prompt you to malicious macros to help you view them.

Keep your programs and operating system up to date: MUST! Regularly updating programs and operating systems is like getting your booster shot for Covid vaccines. If you miss it, all that protection becomes null. Please get the latest security patches and perform updates, as this makes it harder for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities in your programs.

Okay, we agree that it might be difficult for you to think about data POS security amidst your everyday business operations. But that does not mean you can ignore it, right? We have a solution for you – ‘GoSecure.’ 

 So, What Is GoSecure, and How Does It Help You with POS Security? 

GoSecure is a cloud data backup more like a personal assistant to manage your data backup and recovery on the cloud. It’s a real-time Backup as a service (BaaS) that provides automatic data backup and recovery and protects from data loss due to virus attacks, especially ransomware attacks. Sounds very simple right? But it is a robust app from Gofrugal that has become a savior for POS security threats.

GoSecure offers POS Security

GoSecure offers advanced with POS Security

Let’s share a few real customer stories with you. One of our customers Gujarat who did not use GoSecure, faced a massive ransomware attack. Being one of the vast outlets, they lost nearly 35 GB of data which involved important transactions and data of his complete customer outstanding, inventory, etc. Oh, man! The shock, panic, and tedious process of retrieving data had a significant toll on him. With continuous efforts, after four days, a part of the data was recovered. But he had lost five days of sale by then and also other important customer information. Things would have been easier if he had GoSecure. All that he would have needed was 30 minutes to retrieve his data. GoSecure not just prevents data loss but also helps you recover data sooner when lost.

On the other hand, when Anfal Supermarket at Bhatkal, Karnataka, faced a massive ransomware attack six months ago, they were as chill as they would be chilling on vacation. With the help of  GoSecure, their data was already safe on the cloud, and it was revived with no delay. Not just that. GoSecure helped them with automatic and frequent data backup processes. The business owner says, “If I have to describe GoSecure in my life, “tension-free” is my business!”. Learn more on why GoSecure is the proper POS cybersecurity for your business. Ooof! The horror is honest and gets terrifying with cybercriminals staying ahead of everyone. As we already said, it feels surreal unless it happens to us or someone closer to us. Don’t let your business turn out to be an example for someone to take cybersecurity seriously. GoSecure helps you stay ahead of cyber attacks and data loss.  GoSure to GoSecure now! If you’re unsure how GoSecure can help you, get free personalized consultation now.

POS Security with GoSecure