GOFRUGAL’s Business Intelligence Report

Every single person on this earth has one thing in common. FEAR! Fear of what one would tell us about our work. To be very precise in a word its the REPORT. REPORTS are the ones which can change our lifestyle at any point of time.

In general, the report card of a student decides his/her future, report of a client decides the fate of the developers, the reports given by a customer decides the excellence of a retailer. REPORT decides whether a man can have his peace or not.

A good report motivates the retailer to improve his business in terms of both quality and quantity. But who/what justifies good or bad? Day-to-Day expectations of a customer varies which hinders growth and process. It is really hard for a retailer to survive long without a good analytical report thereby changing a retailer’s life into a constant struggle for survival.

Business Intelligence Report , Inventory Analytics Report

Business Intelligence Report – Inventory Analytics Report

Everyone knows the dictionary meaning of Report, but none have a clue of how involved it can be in your success or failure. Well! GOFRUGAL knows what insights you need about your business. These insights include Business Intelligence Report, Inventory Analytics Report, Sales Summary, Activity Sales Report, Toppers Sales, Least Sales, Purchase Summary and Weekly Analysis.

What benefits do these business intelligence reports yield?

  • It gives you clear and complete details of a Periodic sale
  • Lists the details of your frequent Customers
  • Which supplier/ product, gives you more margins
  • Analysis on your profit and sales
  • What are the best and most selling items and the one least ones as well
  • Inventory analytics report.

All these are depicted in a Dashboard to give you clear idea of what has to be purchased and when, from whom and at what price. Get Smart through GOFRUGAL’s Business Intelligence Report.

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